Wednesday 26 June 2024

MCQ on Basics of Aromaticity

To be a Aromatic Compound molecule must

Molecule must fulfill following condition to be Aromatic.

    • Compound must be cyclic

    • The molecule must be Planner. [ Possible when carbon in SP2 and SP ]

    • Every atom of cyclic chain must have an available p-orbital.

    • Should satisfy Huckel`s Rule [4n+2] pi electrons where, the number of electrons in the pi system must be 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, or a higher number i.e. integer value.

Distinguishing the Aromatic and non Aromatic compounds?

Aromatic compounds

  • Are Cyclic Structure
  • Planar [ all atoms of cyclic ring in SP2 or SP Hybridization ]
  • Satisfy Huckle`s rule [ 4n + 2  = pi ]
  • Resonance stabilized
  • Negative Bromine test [ Test for Unsaturation ]
  • Dry Heating test burn with sooty flame
e.g.- Benzene, Phenol, Aniline, Naphthalene etc

Non Aromatic compounds

  • May or may not Cyclic Structure
  • May or may not Planar 
  • Not Satisfy Huckle`s rule [ 4n + 2  = pi ]
  • May or may not Resonance stabilized
  • May or may not Positive Bromine test [ Test for Unsaturation ]
  • Dry Heating test burn with non sooty flame
e.g.- Cyclopentane, Cyclobutene, Hexane etc